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Toronto Criminal Lawyers

Experienced Toronto Criminal Lawyers
We have successfully defended some of the toughest criminal cases in Toronto.
Get a experienced criminal lawers in your corner. Pyzer Criminal Lawyers is your trusted criminal law firm in downtown Toronto. We are highly experienced criminal defense lawyers with a deep understanding of legal issues, criminal charges, and rules-related cases. Our reputation as top-rated criminal lawyers is built on a steadfast commitment to upholding your rights and fighting vigourously for your best interests.
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Fight Your Charges with Pyzer Criminal Lawyers

If you have been charged with a crime in the GTA, it is always in your best interest to hire an experienced Toronto criminal lawyer. 

The stakes are high if you are charged with a criminal offense. You need a team of battle-proven, experienced criminal defense lawyers who can navigate the complexities of the justice system, thoroughly analyze the details of your case, and craft a strategic defense so that you can obtain the best result available. 

Our team of experienced defense lawyers have years of experience defending criminal cases of all sizes in Toronto and Ontario.

Our Toronto Criminal Lawyers

lawyers Jonathan Pyzer
Jonathan Pyzer
Criminal Lawyer
B.A., L.L.B
lawyers Jasmine Mann
Jasmine Mann
Criminal Defence Lawyer
B.A. (Hons)
lawyers Ian Kostman
Ian Kostman
Criminal Defence Lawyer
Explore criminal charges we defend against
Simple assault is an offense that occurs when an individual directly or indirectly applies force to another person without their consent. This form of assault does not involve the use of a weapon. It can also occur if a person acts in a threatening manner that leads another to believe they are at risk of harm, even without physical contact.
This charge is not limited to conventional weapons but extends to any object used or intended to be used in causing harm or threatening to cause harm. A charge of assault with a weapon does not require the weapon to have actually caused physical injury; merely the act of using or threatening to use a weapon during an assault is enough to lead to this charge.
Forcible confinement under the Criminal Code involves unlawfully restraining another person against their will, through threats, coercion, or force. This offense is distinct from kidnapping, which involves forcibly taking and confining a person against their will, regardless if there was initial consent.
Invitation to sexual touching involves inviting, counseling, or inciting a person under the age of 16 to touch, directly or indirectly, the body of the person who invites the touching, or the body of any other person, for a sexual purpose.
Impaired driving involves operating a motor vehicle while your ability to do so is compromised by alcohol, drugs, or a combination of both. This offense is not limited only to cars and trucks; it can also involve other types of vehicles, including boats, aircraft and even machinery.
Dangerous driving involves operating a motor vehicle in a way that could potentially harm the public. Factors like location, road conditions, and the amount of traffic can all come into play when determining if a driving behaviour is considered “dangerous”.
Break and enter involves unlawfully entering a place with the intent to commit a crime, typically theft. This charge applies to both residential and commercial properties and can even include other types of structures.
Robbery with a firearm refers to a theft situation where the person is armed with a firearm during the commission of the offense. This charge can be laid whether the firearm is used, brandished or even just present during the act of robbery.
Possession of stolen property involves having items or goods that are known, or should be known, to have been obtained through a crime. This charge can apply even if the individual in possession did not commit the theft themselves, as long as they are aware of the item's stolen status.
First-degree murder is the most serious homicide offense characterized by planning and deliberation. It involves an intentional killing where the person is aware that their actions are likely to cause death, proceeds anyway, and premeditatedly plans the act.
Drug possession involves having one or more illegal substances in one's possession for personal use, distribution, sale, or otherwise. It's not required for the drug to be physically on the person; having access and control over a place where the drugs are found can qualify as possession.
Drug distribution involves the act of selling, delivering, or providing controlled substances illegally. The charge applies whether the distribution is done for profit or not. It covers a broad spectrum of activities, from street-level dealing to large-scale operations.
Possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose involves having a weapon or device with the intent to use it for harm, to threaten or intimidate, or in the commission of a crime. A "weapon" can include anything used, designed, or intended for use in causing death or injury, or for intimidating any person.
Bail hearings are the initial step following a person's charge with an offense, and determine the conditions for their release pending the outcome of their case. Given the role of bail hearings in determining a person's freedom during legal proceedings, they play a crucial role in the criminal justice process.
Domestic assault involves an act of assault within a familial or intimate relationship setting. This type of assault includes physical, emotional, or psychological harm inflicted by a family member, partner, or close acquaintance. It spans offenses like simple to aggravated assault, sexual abuse, and in more severe cases, serious bodily harm or even death.
Criminal harassment, often referred to as stalking, involves engaging in conduct that causes another person to fear for their safety. This can include repeatedly following or communicating with someone, watching their dwelling place, or engaging in threatening conduct.
Sexual assault involves any form of non-consensual sexual activity imposed on another person. This charge goes beyond actual physical contact, as it can also include situations where the threat of sexual assault is present. Its severity can range from unwanted touching to violent attacks.
Driving over 80 refers to the charge of operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that exceeds 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood. It's important to note that you can be charged with this offense even without showing signs of impairment.
Voyeurism is the act of covertly observing or recording another person in a private setting without their knowledge or consent when they have a reasonable expectation of privacy. This offense extends to the distribution of any recordings obtained in this way.
A drug-related DUI (also known as drug-impaired driving) refers to operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs, including prescription, over-the-counter, and illegal substances. This offense considers any impairment that might affect a person's ability to drive safely – even legally obtained prescription or over-the-counter drugs.
Armed robbery involves theft while carrying, using, or even just threatening to use a weapon. This weapon does not necessarily have to be a conventional weapon like a gun or knife; any object used to apply or threaten force during the robbery can be considered a weapon under law.
Theft involves intentionally taking another person's property without their consent, in order to deprive the owner of it. This can range from small-scale acts like shoplifting to large-scale property theft.
Fraud involves deception or dishonest actions that result in financial or personal gain at the expense of another person. The offense of fraud can range from small-scale scams to large corporate fraud and covers a wide variety of deceitful behaviors. Charges can range from minor to serious, depending on factors such as the amount of money involved, the level of deception used, and the impact on the victim(s).
Second-degree murder involves an intentional killing without premeditation and deliberation. While it lacks the planning element, it means that the individual knew their actions could cause death and proceeded despite this.
Drug importing involves bringing controlled substances into the country unlawfully. This charge applies, regardless of the amount of the drug or the intended use, whether it's for personal consumption or for distribution.
Drug trafficking refers to the act of transporting, transferring, selling or offering to sell illegal substances. This charge is not limited to large-scale operations; even a single transaction involving a small quantity of drugs can lead to a drug trafficking charge.
Carrying a concealed weapon involves having a weapon on your person or among your belongings, hidden from plain sight, without a valid permit or reason. This charge can apply to a wide range of weapons, including guns, knives, batons, or even everyday items that are intended to be used as a weapon.
Aggravated assault is a serious offense. It occurs when an individual intentionally or recklessly causes serious harm to another person, which includes wounding, maiming, disfiguring, or endangering that person’s life. This charge can be laid even if the accused did not intend to cause severe harm.
Uttering threats involves conveying a threat to cause death or bodily harm to any person. It can also encompass threats to damage or destroy property, or kill or harm an animal, that is the property of such person.
Sexual interference commonly refers to any form of sexual contact with an individual under the age of consent (that is, 16 years of age). Consent from the minor does not absolve the individual from facing this charge.
Intimate images pertain to the unauthorized sharing or distribution of private photos or videos of an individual, typically of a sexual nature, without their explicit consent. This includes images that were initially consensually taken or shared in private.
Refusing a breath sample involves intentionally failing to provide a breath sample during a roadside screening or at a police station when lawfully requested to do so by a police officer. This refusal can lead to serious penalties, as Canadian law mandates compliance with such requests under most circumstances.
Failure to stop refers to the act of not stopping your vehicle when it's involved in an incident or when you're signaled to stop by a police officer. This can include situations like leaving the scene of an accident without providing your details or refusing to stop for the police when instructed to do so.
Robbery with violence refers to the act of theft where force, or the threat of force, is used against another person with the intent to steal. This extends to situations where violence is used or threatened to be used before, during, or after the theft and being armed with a weapon or anything imitating a weapon.
Credit card possession involves unlawfully holding or using a credit card that is not issued in your name. This charge can apply whether the card is used or not as long as it's in your possession without the cardholder's consent.
Identity theft refers to the deliberate use of another person's identifying information, usually for financial gain, without their consent. This can involve activities like using someone else's credit card details, impersonating someone to gain access to their finances, or creating false identities with stolen information.
Manslaughter involves causing the death of another person without intending to do so, although there may have been an intention to cause bodily harm. This charge typically applies in situations where death results from reckless behavior or criminal negligence. It can also apply when an intention to cause harm, but not to kill, results in unexpected death.
Drug production refers to the creation or cultivation of illegal substances. This offense can involve a range of activities, from growing cannabis plants without a license, to operating a methamphetamine lab, and even to mixing various substances to create an illegal drug.
Unauthorized possession of a weapon involves having a weapon, such as a firearm or prohibited device, without the necessary permit or license. This charge applies even if the weapon is not used or intended for use in a threatening or harmful way.
Firearm trafficking involves the illegal sale, transport, or transfer of firearms, ammunition or other related items. This includes moving firearms from one place to another – across borders or within the country – without proper authorization or documentation.

Criminal Lawyers with a Winning Record

At Pyzer Criminal Lawyers, our experienced team has a successful track record defending hundreds of cases. As licensed lawyers and members of the Law Society of Ontario and the Criminal Lawyers’ Association, we fully comprehend the significance of knowledgeable representation in criminal cases. We recognize that every case is different, and while we cannot guarantee any specific outcome to your case, we can guarantee our commitment to diligently preparing your case to secure the best possible outcome. This includes at bail hearings, negotiations with the prosecutor, or at trial. Our commitment to each case ensures robust representation and optimal outcomes.
At Pyzer Criminal Lawyers Toronto, our law firm will:
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Commit to your case 100%
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Raise every realistic and viable defense
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Leverage the inner workings of the criminal justice system

What you can always expect from us

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We believe in thorough preparation. Our team invests an abundance of time and resources to examine every facet of your case and evidence to ensure you get the most robust representation.
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We prioritize clear and consistent communication, ensuring our clients are informed and understand every step of their legal process.
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Our unwavering determination compels us to diligently explore every possible avenue of defense in pursuit of the best outcomes for our clients.
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Our Service Areas

We offer legal representation, as well as free case evaluations and consultations across the Greater Toronto Area and surrounding cities.
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Criminal Lawyer FAQ

What does a criminal lawyer do?

A criminal lawyer represents individuals who have been charged with criminal offenses. In fact, over 90% of criminal cases in Toronto are represented by a criminal lawyer. Their primary roles include advising clients about their legal rights, guiding them through the legal process, and representing them in court.

They meticulously review case evidence, negotiate with the prosecution, and develop a strategy to achieve the best possible outcomes. This can involve challenging the prosecution's evidence, questioning the legality of law enforcement procedures, and presenting a persuasive defense on behalf of their client.

Additionally, they handle bail hearings, trials, plea bargains, and appeals as necessary. They also stay updated with changes in laws and legal precedents to offer accurate and effective representation.

How to find a good criminal lawyer?

To find a good criminal lawyer, consider the following factors:

  1. Experience and Track Record: Ensure the lawyer you want to hire has considerable experience with your specific type of case. Review their track record, including the outcomes of previous cases similar to yours. Don't hesitate to ask the law firm about their success rate with cases similar to yours.
  2. Reviews: Go through online reviews and testimonials for a balanced understanding of the law firm's reputation. Both positive and negative reviews can provide valuable insights.
  3. Initial Consultation: Most lawyers offer a free initial consultation. Use this opportunity to gauge their understanding of your case and their proposed strategy, and to see if you feel comfortable with them.
  4. Credentials and Affiliations: Check their credentials, including academic qualifications and memberships of professional organizations such as the Law Society of Ontario or the Criminal Lawyers' Association.
  5. Courtroom Experience: Find out how much trial experience they have. Even if you plan on settling, a lawyer with robust courtroom experience can be invaluable.
  6. Communication: They should clearly explain your legal options and the potential outcomes and keep you informed about the progress of your case.

Do criminal lawyers in Toronto charge by the hour?

Some Toronto criminal lawyers charge by the hour while other criminal lawyers charge a block fee for their services. Lawyers that charge by the hour docket every minute that is spent on a case including travel time, phone conversations, interviews, court appearances etc.. The client is then billed for each minute of time that the lawyer has devoted to the matter. The preparation needed for a criminal law file in Canada can be quite a significant amount of time as the lawyers review all available evidence and conduct legal research.

A criminal lawyer that charges by way of a block fee, advises their clients in advance what the total costs of their case will be. All services performed by the lawyer are included in the block fee. Usually disbursements such as photocopies, mileage, process servers etc. are charged in addition to the lawyers fee, whether charged hourly or on a block basis.

Depending on the case, block fees are generally most common in Toronto criminal cases. In our experience, our clients prefer this approach as we will devote all time necessary to a proper legal defence without having to worry about accounting for every minute spent working on the case

Can I win my court case?

We understand that facing criminal charges can be a daunting experience. However, you should reframe what you consider a “win” in your particular case. A withdrawal of all criminal charges? An acquittal? Avoiding jail time? The lawyers at our criminal law practice will provide you with the right advice and ensure that your case is approached with the utmost diligence and commitment. We have experienced counsel who have helped clients with all types of charges find the best possible outcome to their case.

Approximately 25% of criminal trials in Toronto result in an acquittal. Having your charges withdrawn is usually the best result you can achieve in a criminal case, as there will be no admissions of guilt and no risk of being found guilty at trial. Even if you have a 99% chance of winning your case, which is quite rare in our experience, there is still a 1% chance of losing and, with it, the added cost of time and legal fees. 

How long will my criminal case take?

On average, it takes around 9 months from the date of arrest to the resolution of a criminal case in Toronto. A criminal case can be resolved in a single day or could take many years to conclude. The length of time a case will take depends on many factors, including the seriousness of the charge(s), the number of charges, whether you are charged alone or with a co-accused, the number of legal issues in issue as well as the number of witnesses that will be required to testify at a trial.

In 2016, the Supreme Court of Canada held in R. v. Jordan that “there is a ceiling beyond which delay in a case becomes unreasonable. The presumptive ceiling is 18 months for criminal cases tried in provincial court and 30 months for cases in the superior court (or cases tried in the provincial court after a preliminary inquiry).”

Our team of Toronto criminal lawyers understand how important an expeditious resolution of criminal charges can be. That’s why your lawyer will take every opportunity to move your file along to ensure the presumptive ceilings are met.

How much does a criminal lawyer cost?

Some Toronto criminal lawyers charge by the hour, while others charge a block fee for their services. Lawyers who charge by the hour docket every minute that is spent on a case, including travel time, phone conversations, interviews, court appearances, etc. You will, therefore, be billed for each minute of time that the lawyer has devoted to your matter. The preparation needed for a criminal law file in Canada can be quite a significant amount of time as the lawyers review all available evidence and conduct thorough legal research.

A criminal lawyer who charges by way of a block fee will advise you in advance what the total costs of your case will be. All services performed by the lawyer are included in the block fee. Usually, disbursements such as photocopies, mileage, process servers etc. are charged in addition to the lawyer’s fee, whether charged hourly or on a block basis.

Depending on the case, block fees are generally most common in criminal cases. In our experience, our clients prefer this approach as we will devote all necessary time to a proper legal defense without worrying about accounting for every minute spent working on the case. 

Learn more about our fees.

What happens during a free consultation with Pyzer Criminal Lawyers?

At Pyzer Criminal Lawyers (, our initial free consultation lasts approximately 30 minutes. This time is spent reviewing the charge(s) and allegation(s) against you with one of our lawyers, explaining how the criminal court process works and what to expect as your criminal case moves through the system. We know that facing criminal law matters can be overwhelming. That's why our practice is here to provide clear, understandable guidance every step of the way, ensuring you are never left in the dark.

We can assist by identifying the potential legal issues in your case and, finally, assist in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the Crown’s case, suggest some ways in which the charge(s) against you may be successfully defended and finally, answer any questions that you may have about your case or the process as a whole. Our experience in the practice of criminal law means that after your consultation, you will have a solid understanding of what our lawyers can do for you.

Can a criminal lawyer get my bail changed?

Yes, a Toronto criminal lawyer can assist you in changing the conditions of your criminal law bail. This can be done in one of two ways: on consent of the Crown or by way of a Superior Court Bail Review Application. A consent bail variation is done by having one of the lawyers in our practice file paperwork of the proposed changes with the court, on the consent of the Crown.

A Superior Court Bail Review is a criminal law hearing and resembles a criminal trial in that the Crown and Defense are opposed on the conditions of bail, and a judge must decide after hearing the evidence and submissions of counsel as to whether the bail should be changed. The lawyers in our practice have experience representing clients at these hearings.

Factors that will impact your request for a bail variation include the seriousness of the charge(s) and the allegation(s) that you are facing, whether you represent a danger to a specific complainant or to the community at large, whether you have a criminal record, including breaches of previous orders, whether the complainant(s) wish to have contact with you, and whether you have sufficient surety in place to ensure compliance with the varied terms of bail. Our lawyers will work with you to ensure your bail review case is properly presented. Individuals retaining our firm’s services can rest assured that they are receiving advice from competent and experienced counsel.

What happens on my first day in the Toronto court system?

In Ontario, your first court appearance will be very brief, usually lasting only a few minutes. The lawyer assigned to your case will be there with you if you retain our firm to help you during this appearance. Many individuals, possibly even hundreds, will be appearing in Court at the same time as you about their criminal charges. Your first appearance is not a criminal trial. It is not before a judge, you will not be asked to plead guilty or not guilty, and the alleged victim(s) will not be in attendance.

The process is as follows: The accused (you) steps forward once the Crown calls their name from the docket. The court then inquires whether the accused has a Toronto criminal lawyer, disclosure (the evidence the Crown intends to rely on to prove your guilt) is provided, and the case is typically remanded three to four weeks so that the accused may consult with an attorney, review disclosure, and conduct a Crown Pre-Trial. The criminal justice system can be very confusing for people, so our lawyers are there to be skilled advocates in your case.

While it is not necessary to have a criminal attorney at your first appearance, or even at any point in the proceedings, it is highly encouraged that counsel be retained well in advance of the first appearance to ensure disclosure requests are made and the matter handled properly right from the beginning. Our lawyers will ensure all the appropriate steps are taken so our clients receive the best results in their case.

How can I avoid a criminal record?

Just because you have been charged with a criminal offense does not mean you will automatically have a criminal record. It is still possible to avoid a criminal record and/or a finding of guilt by having one of our lawyers represent you in your case. Our clients receive the best possible legal representation in order to mitigate any impact of a criminal charge on your life.

A withdrawal by the Crown Attorney’s office is not considered a criminal record and is, therefore, one way to avoid a criminal record once the police have charged you. An acquittal after a trial is another way to avoid a criminal record once you have been charged. Finally, a stay of proceedings is not a criminal record and is tantamount to an acquittal twelve months following the date on which the charges were stayed. Our lawyers will work with you to explore the various outcomes and results that may occur in your case.

Will I go to jail?

Jail is a possibility when facing any criminal charge. However, jail is the sanction of last resort, and judges are instructed to consider all other forms of punishment prior to sentencing an accused to a term of imprisonment. Our lawyers can advise you on whether prison is a possibility in your case.

Factors that will determine the sentence that you could potentially receive, including the potential for jail, include the seriousness of the charge(s) and the allegation(s) you are facing, whether the victim(s) suffered any lasting physical, financial or emotional life impact as a result of the offense, whether you have a previous criminal record/police involvement and if so, if it is was for a similar offense, whether you have received jail sentences in the past, the need for general and specific deterrence, as well as your prospects for rehabilitation and your support in the community.

Our lawyers understand the devastating impact that a prison sentence can have on your life. Our advocacy is focused on ensuring our clients receive the strongest legal defense, so that this outcome can be avoided at all costs. People trust Pyzer Criminal Lawyers with even the most complex criminal charges. We welcome you to contact us today to learn about how we can help.

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